Time will either promote you or expose you. You can not have a long-term business if quality is not a priority. As an entrepreneur, you have to be involved in every step of your business, have a unique business proposition, take on projects you excel at and deliver quality.
In today’s episode, Adam joins us to explore how you grow your business and get referrals by selling value to your customers. Adam Candeloro is the co-owner of Vasco Property Services, in charge of design and craftsmanship.
In this session, Adam shares his journey into the construction industry, from doing repairs with his grandfather as a kid, trying to make ends meet with renovation side jobs, running his business single-handedly to his growing company. Having been in the industry for over 20 years, he expounds on his unique business proposition, taking on projects that his company can handle well, having zero-based commission sales, being personally involved in craftsmanship as some of his other success strategies in the industry.
Highlights From The Episode
[02:00] About Vasco Property Services
[02:56] Adam’s journey in construction
[08:25] Selling his previous company and venturing to solar works
[10:06] Elective priority project for Vasco
[12:40] Vasco’s unique business proposition
[18:54] Vasco as certified dealers for Top Tech
[20:40] Starting out Gutter Pros and its development over the years
[26:07]Vasco’s roof tuner package
[29:00] The best roof protection product
[31:46] Vasco’s projects and customers
[36:03] To connect with Adam for Vasco Services
Notable Quotes
● Most contractors that start from scratch have a job, and it rolls out as they are doing side jobs, and on Saturday and Sunday, they are making double of what you’re making throughout the week.
● You get to pick and choose what your projects are. You don’t happen to chase every phone call.
● When it comes to marketing, you just need to ask questions, get to figure out what it is that the business owner needs, and what is their unique business proposition.
● You can’t be a contractor in business for twenty years, and quality is not a priority. It’s too easy to find out.
● Time will either promote or expose you.
● It really takes a level of consistent, reliable quality to be the guy that gets referees to the people that come from another market.
● You live and die by the referral of people you do work with.
● It’s hard to market a bad company.
To connect with Adam
Website: https://www.vascoproservices.com/
Website: https://www.thegutterpros.net/
the Lavahot Podcast is proudly sponsored by Rice's Termite and Pest Control.
Joseph Connell Jr.