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Founder: Conscious Leadership, WellBeing and Neuroscience-Based Coach
I am the Founder of Michael Nelie Group which has 3 subsidiaries of (i) Life, Leadership and Business, (ii) Research and (iii) Wellbeing.
1. Business and Leadership: Providing programs and courses that help high performing business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs, (i) live a life of and on purpose, (ii) sharpen their conscious leadership for high performance, impact and return on investment, by creating conducive and psychologically safe environments for the people they lead to step in, flourish and contribute at even higher levels, (iii) creating and sustaining actionable strategies that are clear, transparent and transferable to all parts of the business.
2. Research: delivering high-value research, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and program support services to local, regional, and international organizations, individuals, and groups.
3. Wellbeing: providing personalized wellbeing services for individuals, organizations, and teams seeking to: curb and manage burnout, reconnect with their true self; feel more centered and grounded; release the weight of the world; enhance self-awareness; elevate the quality of their work; deepen their connection to their inner voice, and align with their true, inner and higher self.