Rice’s Termite & Pest Control provides safe and effective pest control services, ridding Delmarva homes and businesses of invasive insects and vermin for more than 36 years. We are a local and family-owned pest removal company and care about our reputation. We are your neighbors and genuinely care about your comfort and satisfaction. Rice’s have been around since 1995 and aren’t going anywhere. Your family and business can continue to depend on us for quality pest control at a great value for years to come.
Billy E. Goat is a home buying enthusiast. He loves to buy homes but more importantly he like to help families escape any real estate situation. Billy can help with any situation like: facing foreclosure, bankruptcy, need to more quickly, inherited a home, or it just needs more work than it is worth. Billy has seen it all. Billy wants to help as many families as possible escape from their bad home. Contact Billy today for a fast fair cash offer.