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Empire Builder. Going from $600 to over $30 Million with O'Snap Founder & CEO John Malott

Self-education beats formal education. Teaching yourself new skills every day based on your passion expands your mindset. Entrepreneurial success is not based on acquired education but on your self-taught skills.

In today’s episode, we speak to John Malott, an empire builder who has gone from $600 p over $30 million. Malott is the CEO of O’snap, a company that aims at transforming minds, bodies and bank accounts with its innovative technology and combined cutting edge supplements.

In this session, Malott shares his entrepreneurship journey from a high school dropout, drug addiction, finding mentorship from Dave, personal development and venturing into entrepreneurship as no one could hire him. Malott has built over 1.5 billion sales over the last 27 years. Tune in to the episode and get to learn more about entrepreneurship.

Key Highlights From The Episode

[01:25] About John Malott

[04:23] How mentorship impacted Malott’s life on the right path.

[08:49] Key advice Malott would give to his younger self

[12:24] About O'snap's mission in transforming minds, bodies and bank accounts

[15:09] The negative effects of artificial sugars

[17:14] Osnap’s plant-based supplements

[19:30] Tips to creating and building your personal brand

[23:40] Collaboration as the new currency

[30:22] To connect with Malott

[31:38] To connect with Malott’s wife-Naj Mallot

[33:39] Malott’s speech on based on the song-How low can you go

Notable Quotes

● When your mind expands, it can never go back.

● The biggest challenge is when you have a big ego right now, they might be cheering for you, but secretly, they don't really like you in the back of their mind. Once you fail, they will kick you down really fast.

● Humble yourself, and do not forget where you came from

● Doors do not open when you are an egotistic maniac.

● Before you get your body right, get your mind right.

● Branding equals authority. Authority equals access. Access equals power. Power equals wealth.

● Collaboration is the new currency.

● Say less to more people because you can get that to scale.

● Money loves speed.


To connect with John Malott

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/john.malott/

Website: https://www.osnap.com/

To connect to Malott’s wife, Naj.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/najmalott/

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