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Social Media Video Creation that Wins Hearts and Minds | Interview with Chris Burk

In today’s episode, we have Chris Burk, owner of Burk Creative, a content creation company that focuses on helping businesses create professional videos that elevate their brand and attract new clients to grow their business.

He joins us to share his story, how he started, the changes he has witnessed in the content creation industry, and also more about what his company does and who they work with. Tune in to listen to these, and several topics including why you should get your business online through video creation!

Key Highlights

[00:58] Introducing Chris Burk

[03:33] How Chris started video content creation

[05:44] How much the video landscape has changed over the last five years

[08:07] "Humanize a brand" meaning

[11:12] Chris's 150 videos in 3 days on TikTok

[15:17] Areas they serve

[16:07] Tops and thoughts for brands to get started on creating videos

[21:49] Helping brands become creators

[27:00] The TikTok landscape and why it works

[34:35] All about the Descript App for content creation

[41:36] What companies do they work with?

[44:32] Can you really speak to a local market when your content is viewed widely?

Show more

[47:19] The benefits of having an online presence

[50:53] How to connect with Chris Burk

Notable Quotes

● Even then you can still start brand new today and build a career on YouTube.

● It's crazy how even though five years is a long time, it's still there's still a ton of opportunity out there.

● some of the best stuff you create is just being out in the wild.

● In order to resonate with your customers, you have to be speaking to them.

● You'll go a lot further if you actually posted one video a day, for 30 days than if you’re worried about trying to be the best video creator in your niche.

● Most people don't understand their customers as much as they think they do.

● When you're a very specific business, you got to find your people where they're at. You have to meet them where they are in their journey.

● AS you create consistently daily, you start coming up with ideas more rapidly as time goes on.

● There's a lot of value in everything you create, and it will continue to be pushed out there over and over again.

● You need to show as much as you can the personal side of the business.

● The game with content can be a long game. So you want to make sure that you're at least putting yourself out there.


Connect with Chris Burk

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chrisrburk

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisrburk

Website: https://burkcreative.co/

Connect with Joe:

Website: https://lavahotpodcast.com/

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